Like I explained to you in the description, this is going to be fairly easy to draw. Start with a circle. Now the size of the beginning shape will dictate how big your drawing will be. Which basically means if you want to draw a big symbol, draw a bi
Now you will use the vertical line to draw your first shape which is in the form of an almond. Don't completely close off the bottom of this shape because you will weave another line through it.
Now, starting at the sides of the almond shape you just drew, you will draw an outline around the circle, and incorporate the lining around the arched line that runs across the middle of the design until you have drawn a whole piece like you see here
For your last drawing step all you need to do is draw the connecting lines starting at the top, and slowly working your way down to the base. Once you have finished you can erase the very little guidelines you haven't used to clean up your drawing.
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March 6, 2010
Description: Ever since I submitted the tutorial on the Celtic clover knot, I have been getting e-mails requesting that I do a lesson that teaches you "how to draw Triquetra"" which is a symbol also known as the “trinity knot”. In the beginning the symbol was nothing more then three triangular knots, also known as “vesicae piscis”, that where weaved together to form a three cornered pattern. When there is a circle in the middle this is then called “the Trinity” representing the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Of course this is commonly used by Christians. The symbolism of the ring in the middle, combines all three elements into a unified piece. Over time the symbol has become part of pop culture, and associated with other Celtic art. Most of the designs nowadays are made from some sort of metal, or braided together with twine or rope. If you where to type in how to draw Triquetra, instead of results you will see a page filled with questions on how to draw one of the very popular symbols. The pattern almost looks like the Triforce from the Nintendo video game Zelda doesn't it? Anyway, even though the shape, and laced lines may seem a bit intimidating to draw, you will definitely be able to draw the trinity knot when your done using this tutorial. I will leave you now to this lesson, but I will be back shortly. Peace out people, and happy drawing!