How to Draw the Terran Symbol From Starcraft 2

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To start, draw a straight line and incorporate the wings and bird's head which is on a sideway stare.


Next, begin drawing the wings. As you can see the edge of the wings are made up of notches, and straight lined edges. Once that is done you can go ahead and draw the legs and talons.


You will now draw the bulky looking tail which is made up of two thick, wide tail feathers.


Lastly, start drawing the triangle that frames the bird within the shape. Make a small triangle for the top, then draw the sides and base. If you made mistakes, just erase them now.


Here it is, all done and ready to color in. Now all you have to do is grab your coloring tools.

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February 21, 2014

Description: This is the second lesson that I have for you all who are fans and players of Starcraft. As with my previous lesson, this tut is based on a logo from one of the clans in Starcraft 2. Having said that, here is "how to draw the Terran logo", step by step. I have always thought that this symbol looks a lot like something from the Zelda series. To me, it looks like a Tri-Force, with a bird or eagle in the center of the triangle. It all means something because designers wouldn't make concept pieces without having a meaning behind it all. If you have always wondered how you can create your own drawing on a Terran symbol, now is your chance. Have fun and remember to leave some feedback. Adios people, I will be back later today with more drawing fun for you all.

#how to draw starcraft characters #how to draw starcraft
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