How to Draw the Kingdom Hearts Logo
Start with the left side of the heart shape and be sure that it curls in on the inside of the heart. Color in the entire shape solid.
You will now draw out the rights side of the heart in the same exact manner as you did the first one.
Lastly, draw the three pointed crown on top of the heart but not touching the arches. Color in your crown and you are done here.
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August 20, 2014
Description: For my final lesson of the day I will upload this tutorial on "how to draw the Kingdom Hearts logo", step by step. This is one of my favorite video game logo designs because it actually looks like it would make a cool tattoo concept. The tribal like heart shaped is topped with a simple three pointed crown to stand for Kingdom Hearts. It will be very easy to replicate so it's best to get started right away. Be sure to try out some of the other lesson on drawing Kingdom Hearts characters which you will be able to find on the right hand side of this lesson under the description text. Enjoy, and have fun with the rest of your drawing day.