How to Draw the Ford Logo


Draw an oval shape which is sort of stretched out.


Next, inside the shape you can draw the top of the lining shape for the F in the word FORD.


You will now draw more of the FORD word. The whole word is in cursive.


Finish the f and you are done with that letter.


Now draw a cursive style O in lowercase form.


Now you can draw the R, again in lowercase form.


Almost finished folks. Draw the bottom half of the D. Then move to step eight.


Lastly, draw the rest of the D letter. Erase the mistakes if there are any at all.


That's it, you are all done. Now color in your symbol or emblem.

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October 6, 2014

Description: I have two more vehicle company logo's coming your way and that includes this one on "how to draw the Ford logo", step by step. Emblems come with extravagance, or with subtleness. For the Ford emblem all you are seeing is an oval shape colored in blue with the word 'FORD' on the plate. It should be an easy task for all to tackle. If you are a fan of anything Ford, like the Ford trucks, Mustangs, and SUV's you will have a blast with drawing the Ford emblem. Enjoy and good luck.

#how to draw emblems
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