How to Draw the Dallas Mavericks

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You will start off by drawing a simple shape for the front part of the horse's head. Add one vertical facial line down the center of the face as well.


Using what you just made in step one to draw out the right side of the mustang's head, muzzle and mane. The ears and top part of the head should also be added.


Draw the sharp tribal lining which will form the entire shape of the snout. Add the arch for the nostril, then draw in the inner ear detailing. Also add an M on the forehead too. This is a subtle mark to represent the teams name.


Here all you have to do is draw in the eye, eyebrows, and triangle for the small open shape of the mouth.


Next up, sketch out the crescent shape of the horse's mane which curls under the face. The ends of the mane should be pointed and sharp.


For the last step all you have to do is draw the shape of the basketball which is on the right side of the horse's head. Add some coloring to the front part of the face, then color in the nose, mouth, eye and inside the ears. Erase all the mistakes y   


Here is the line art for your drawing of the Dallas Mavericks. Color it in and you have completed another tutorial.

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October 14, 2013

Description: Here is another sports logo for all basketball lovers out there who happen to be fans of the Dallas Mavericks. At first this logo used to be a green basketball in the background with a blue colored M on the foreground. There was also a cowboy hat that was tilted off to one side. Nowadays the Dallas Mavericks logo is of a mustang or horse that is split in two colors which is white, grey and blue. I would much rather look at this logo design for the Mavericks then the older one which was created back in 1980. The new logo is more appealing and fr more brighter. As far as drawing the Dallas Mavericks' logo is a different story because it looks more like tribal art then anything else. Anyways, have fun and if you are a fan of this basketball team show some love by leaving some feedback.

#how to draw basketball
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