How to Draw Tentro from Mixels


Start the first step by drawing the guide for the body shape then add the leg guide lines.


The shape you will draw here is for Tentro's bottom jaw. It should be rectangular in form.


Next, use the head guide to begin sketching out the structure for the head. As you can see there are many angles.


Now you can draw in the large, bulging eyes and color in the pupils. When that is done you can draw the sharp teeth which are metal like.


Add an additional shape on top of the flat square head, then draw in the hook shaped leg. When that is done you can add more shapes that will complete the face and detailing to the side of the face.


You will now draw in the rest of the claw like legs or limbs like so, then when you are done you can proceed to step seven.


Add the markings to the limbs, and the round suction cup like balls to the legs. Erase your mistakes and that's it.


Tentro is ready to color in so get started. This was a fun drawing to tackle, I hope you had fun.

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September 12, 2014

Description: Does anyone know who this character is from the Mixels? Well, if you do then you will have fun with this tutorial on "how to draw Tentro", step by step. Out of all the Flexers tribe Tentro is the most strongest, but he is also one of the more sensitive Flexers. Anyways, following this lesson will be easy enough for everyone to tackle but if you are a novice artist this tutorial will be challenging. Take care folks and enjoy.

#how to draw mixels #how to draw mixels characters
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