How to Draw Tarlock, Legend of Korra


Start by sketching out the the outlined shape that you will use as your drawing guide.


Here you will begin sketching out the structure of the face. Draw in the hair line as well as the spiked side burns.


before we go any further, you need to draw in the rest of his hairstyle. Start with drawing the back of the head, then the back of the neck. Lastly, draw in his ear.


Now we can begin tackling the face. Start with the nicely shaped eyebrows that also need to be colored in. Draw out the nose, then sketch out the nostrils. End this step by drawing the inner ear detailing.


Okay, draw out the squinting style eyes like so, then color in the pupils which make his eyes look off to one side. Draw the mouth line as a smile, then sketch out the facial detailing around each eyebrow, and along the side of his nose and under the   


You will now draw out the high pitched collar for his uniforms suit. Draw the back part of the head which is in the form of his hair.


Add the opening for his jacket, then draw in better detail the detailing and formation of the shirt. Sketch in the neck definition as well.


Here is what you should end up with when you are all done. Now you can color him in when you are all done.

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September 26, 2012

Description: Here is another character from the animated series that airs on Nickelodeon called Legend of Korra which is the new Avatar cartoon. Today I will be showing you "how to draw Tarrlok", step by step. He is a villain in the show, and since I have been uploading just good guys, I thought a character with a mean streak would be a nice change of pace. I don't really watch the new Avatar, but my little sister has watched it before. I don't know if she is still into it because I haven't heard her talk about any of the episodes. Tarrlok is one of the meanest figures in the series so I'm sure that he is going to be a well known character as the series progresses. He sort of has that sniveler type of face which automatically gives you the sense that this guy is no good. Anyways, I will be back tomorrow or maybe later with other stuff for you guys to do, so have fun now and hopefully you learn something new. Adios people.

#how to draw legend of korra characters #how to draw characters from avatar
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