How to Draw Sierra

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Start this first step by drawing a circle for her head, and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw a vertical line for the body, and then add another circle shape for her hips. Lastly, add one long vertical line for her legs.


You will now sketch out the outline of her head, and face. When this is done you can then add her neck shape, and nose.


Draw the hair strand lines which makes up her hair style, and then draw the long curly looking ponytail. Next, draw the necklace, and then draw out her arm and some of her butt.


Use the facial guidelines you drew in step one, and then draw in her big, bright looking eyes. Next, draw out her smile, and then add lips and teeth. Add eyebrows, and then detailing inside of her ear. Continue to draw lining for her hair strands lik   


Draw the rest of her arm shapes, and then draw the shirt line. Next, sketch out the shape of her lower body which is her hips, and legs like so.


You will need to finish off your Total Drama Island character by adding the lining that will form her pants. Next, draw in her pants pockets, and then draw her shoes, hands, and the rest of her hair. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step o   


Now that you have finished, your drawing of Sierra should come out looking like the one you see here. All you need to do now is color her in to give her the pretty glow that makes her that happy girl.

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July 7, 2010

Description: Hi guys, it’s me again, and I’m back with a character tutorial that is not only going to be fun, but exciting too. Today, I will be showing you "how to draw Sierra", from the new TD series called Total Drama World Tour. There is a few new characters from the animated series, and one of them is Alejandro which I submitted a few days ago. Sierra is a newcomer that joined the series. She started out being a fan that used to jot down information on every Total Drama contestant using blog entries. Sierra made her Drama debut in Celebrity Manhunt’s Total Drama Action Reunion Special. I guess you could say that she knows almost everything about the series, and the contestants. She is a perky spirit, that loves being with her friends, which are Izzy, Cody, and Heather. Not only does she have a few friends, she is absolutely in love with Cody, although Cody has no idea that she thinks they are a couple. Her looks match her personality as does all the other players of TDA. She is usually seen wearing green colored pants, green shoes, a yellow belt, and a lime green colored tank top. Sierra also has a very uppity look on her face at all times, which is accommodated by her long locks that she wears tied back. I haven’t seen the new series yet because I have been without cable for a year, but I can still watch episodes from Youtube, or from Cartoon Network. No matter what, if you are a fan of this awesome series, you will love learning "how to draw Sierra", step by step. I have to bounce out of here and try to get some more lessons uploaded before I go live tonight. In the mean time, tackle this lesson and see how well you can do. I will be back with much, much more so stay tuned in while the day is young. Peace out people, and have a happy drawing day.

#draw total drama characters #how to draw total drama characters #draw tda #draw total drama action

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