So as always, lets start with the basics. Draw out your guidlines for the face, body, legs, and arms. Simple right?
So now we move on. Time to draw in her hair, and face shape. I lowered the opacity of the guidelines for a better visual. Once you have the hair and face shape drawn, draw her facial features, and then the bottom part of her "neko" hat.
Ok this step is short cuz I didn't wanna throw a whole bunch of new stuff just yet. We're going to finish the top of her "neko" hat which I LOVE!!! Then we'll finish her hair buy drawing her ponytail.
Ok so in the last step you also drew her neck and shoulders. Now we are going to draw in her shirt (jersey lookin part). I don't really know what the thing in the middle is to be honest XD. Next step!
This step is alot to take in... Not really, lets draw in her arm on the left side. Next make your way to the other arm. After that draw the hand and book. Don't worry, we're almost done!!!
Ok last drawing step is her lower body. We'll start by drawing her pants and that sweet belt/chain. Use the guidelines to place everything correctly. Next draw the legs, and lastly her cute little shoes! It's almost done!
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September 3, 2010
Description: Hey folks, JMac here with a sweet new tutorial. This time, I present Shion Hibiki. I know what your thinkin. "JMac, who's Shion Hibiki?" Well, she's an adorable anime character from the Zatch Bell series. She's a recent favorite of mine and should be for you too!!! I'd rather not bore you with a long description, so lets draw!