How to Draw Sand Gaara

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Begin by making the head guide then sketch in the facial guidelines.


You will now draw in the nose, then move to step three.


Remember, you are drawing Gaara on an angle so that is why some of his features won't be at full view. Sketch out the structure of his face like you see here, and be sure to include the ear.


Now, my favorite part. Draw the large shapes of his eyes, then add dark bold marks around the eye shapes. This dark coloring should be drawn very thick. Add some veins inside the eye and make his pupils small.


You will now draw Gaara's signature hairstyle which is sharp, messy and sort of long. Take your time, don't rush.


Okay, begin drawing the mouth with the upper lip line. Add the dimples to the corners of his mouth as well.


Continue to work on the smile by drawing the wide open mouth. Don't forget the lip too.


Finish his mouth by drawing in his teeth. As you can see his teeth are aligned with one another. Color in some shading in the middle of the teeth as they touch.


Begin making the marking line or design on his face which is what will be covered with sand in later steps. All the face will be covered except the nose and mouth area.


Draw the Kanji mark on his forehead, then draw in the cracks on his face and ear to make the sand prominent. Define his nose by adding the nostrils and nostril holes.


Lastly, draw his neck on an angle, then draw in the sand that covers his neck. The cracks are to make the sand present. Erase your guides and mistakes before you go.


Here is how Sand Gaara comes out when finished. I hope you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did. Color him in and you are done.

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January 2, 2017

Description: Wow, who would have thought that no one asked me to make a lesson on this character from Naruto? I mean, I have lessons on Gaara, but have you ever thought you would see a tutorial on "how to draw Sand Gaara"? I know I never thought about it, but I'm glad someone suggested it because now this awesome drawing can be shared with all of you. I cannot express enough how much I love this lesson or drawing. He looks so cool, and just how I remember Gaara looking when in his sand form. If you would like to see more Naruto lessons don't hesitate to let me know. I sure hope folks like this tutorial because it's too bad ass not to like.

#how to draw naruto

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