How to Draw Sakura Shippuden

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First off, start with the guide work of Sakura Shippuden. This will make drawing life a ton easier. Sketch the small circle for her head first, and then the rest of the body. Once finished, move onto the next step.


In this step, you will start sketching her face. At first, begin with light pencil strokes so if you make any mistakes, they'll be easy to erase. I would prefer to draw the shape of her face and hairline first before an facial details.


Start drawing the simple torso of Sakura Shippuden. Draw the arms the move toward to action of pulling up her glove. See how the guidelines shape the motion of Sakura? It's ideal to observe human motions to create a very realistic motion. Manga artis   


This step might be a wee difficult for some of you novice artists. I would start with the face detailing and then the vest that she wears. once you've completed that, move onto the shirt-like shorts. When you come to draw the hands; take your time so   


This is the last step to completing the tutorial on "how to draw Sakura Shippuden". Be careful when you draw her legs. They are very thin so keep in mind the care and time you need to put into drawing them. It can be very easy to mess up the legs bec   


Here is what your lines should resemble. Don't worry if it isn't totally perfect, you can always try again. I for one never draw something perfect the first time unless I'm trying to impress someone. But even then I might mess up a few things. Drawin   

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June 29, 2010

Description: Naruto Shippuden is one of the hit anime shows to have been featured in cartoon hosting. I had fun drawing this character because of the pinks that is featured in her outfit. Masashi Kishimoto didn't really change much of her appearance except for her clothing and some facial details. If any of you noticed, her eyes are higher, her face is longer and mature, and she now has shorter hair then her previous short hair. The outfit is O.K, she wears gloves with a pinkish hue mixed with the gray, she wears skirt like pants occupied with some dark gray shorts. She is now sleevless unlike her older appearance. I believe she becomes more attached to Naruto in the series then she ever has. Masashi said himself that the three ninjas take the place of Tsunade, Jiraiya, and Orochimaru. Sasuke takes the spot of Orochimaru, Naruto takes Jaraiya's and Sakura takes Tsunade's place. I agree with some fans that Sakura is one of the annoying and tense character in the series. She nags too much on Naruto for some ridiculous things. A character that I personally favor the most is the old villain, Orochimaru. Kishimoto should have pursued the relationships with the plot and characters instead of reluctantly putting villains that don't seem to fit the story. On another note, I referenced the drawing from a picture of Sakura that gave me inspiration. I thought that maybe instead of drawing her in a 3/4th pose, I would draw her in a front view. I'm pretty sure some of you who own a previous Naruto 'Posterzine' recognizes this pose. Anyways, I really hope you'll enjoy learning ”how to draw to draw Sakura Shippuden step by step. When you draw Sakura's face, keep in mind that her features are faintly different from the old one. Her face is a bit longer so stay keen on that tip. Well, it's time for me to submit other tutorials, so thanks for viewing!

#draw naruto #how to draw naruto #draw naruto characters #how to draw characters from naruto #how to draw shippuden characters

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