We will draw the shape of Ruby's body frame which will end up looking like a birdie. Draw a circle for the head, and a cone like shape for the lower half.
Using those facial guidelines you made in step one, begin drawing her eyes, followed by her nose, mouth, and long whiskers.
It's time to draw Ruby's body. Start with the puffed sleeves for her dress, then draw the arms and hand.
Draw the rest of her dress which should be drawn as a bell shape. Add the collar flaps on under her face.
For the last drawing step you will draw the basket she is holding followed by her feet and other arm. Add the weaving detail to her basket, then start erasing the mistakes and guides.
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February 24, 2013
Description: So you have seen the lesson on Max, now here is the tutorial on "how to draw Ruby", step by step. I love Ruby's character because she is so patient, understanding and warm. She absolutely loves her brother Max and will do whatever she can to teach him the right thing. Some of the things that Ruby does with Max is read him stories, takes him on outings, and she even involves him when she spends time with her friends whether they are playing, or working on something for school. Drawing Ruby will be especially fun for those of you that enjoy watching Max and Ruby on Nickelodeon.