How to Draw Ritsu

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Start with a circle for the head, and then add some facial guidelines. You will then draw a box like shape for the torso, and then add the leg lines as well.


You will now need to sketch out the entire body outline for your new anime character that you are drawing now. When that is done be sure to add the eye lines as well.


Once the shape of the face is drawn in you can begin sketching out the hairstyle, eyes, brows, mouth, and then draw out the collar for the jacket, the creases in the sleeves. Lastly, draw the bottom lining for her shirt, and then move to step four.


Draw the bow tie, and then add all the buttons on her vest, and jacket. Draw in the pleats for the skirt, and then draw the lining for her socks. Erase the lines and shapes that you drew in step one to clean up your drawing a bit.


This is how your character looks when you are all done. Color her in, and you now have another member of the music club. I hope you had fun drawing this K-ON character, and be sure to join me for more drawing fun.

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October 11, 2010

Description: Since I already submitted the main character from K-ON which also happens to be the guitarist, and I thought I would fulfill another request that has been flooding my request folder. Today, I will teach you ""how to draw Ritsu", step by step. Her full name is Ritsu Tainaka, and she is one of the four members of the light music club, as well as the president. She plays the drums and the kit she uses is a Yamaha Hipgig set. Ritsu is the one that gives her output on things and she is also the one that comes up with ideas for the club. This tutorial is going to be pretty simple to draw, and if you want to include her other band mate Yui by following the lesson I submitted for her, you can do so. I guess that is all I have to say about this character, and to tell you the truth, I had fun when I was drawing Ritsu. There is two more lessons coming your way so stay tuned in to see what they are. Peace out people, and have an awesome time with this lesson.

#how to draw characters from k-on #how to draw k-on characters
1 - Super Cool
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