How to Draw Penny Ling, Penny Ling, Littlest Pet Shop

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The first thing that needs to be done is making the guides to create a workable frame for Penny Ling. Start with a wide shaped head guide, then draw the small bulb like body guide. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.


Define the shape of Penny's head and as you do this, draw out the shapes of her ears. That is all you have to do in this step.


Next, we will draw the markings on her face which will cover each eye. These markings are the black circles that cover pandas eyes. Draw in her big round eyes and make sure that the lining is thicker where her lashes will be. Draw in the eyeballs, th   


Detail inside the ears, then draw and color in her nose. Add the mouth and clef line above her mouth and under the nose.


Start this step by drawing Penny Ling's shoulders and arms. When you draw her hands make sure that the fingers are arched up as she gives a nice pose. Draw the body and then move to the last step.


All you have to do to finish drawing Penny is draw in her short stubby legs, draw the feet, then draw the belly marking. Erase the mistakes then you are done.


Here is the girl with no curls. Penny Ling is ready to color in so have a blast.

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April 15, 2013

Description: Here is an adorable panda that has all the right stuff. In the world of Littlest Pet Shop, Penny Ling is the sweetest, and kindest of them all. Her purple colored body and bright twinkling eyes makes her face that much more precious. This lesson will show you "how to draw Penny Ling", step by step. I love how her last name represents the panda origin. Drawing Penny is going to be easy, and fast which means you will have time to tackle other tuts. I have to leave you all for a brief moment but I will be back. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw littlest pet shop #how to draw littlest pet shop characters

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