How to Draw Blythe, Blythe Baxter, Littlest Pet Shop

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Draw a large circle for the head, then add the facial guidelines for the face, neck and body. You will attach a smaller circle for the torso as well.


Next, use the guides you just made to draw out the shape of Blythe's face structure. You will then draw in her small ear, then the lining for her bangs which are straight and split.


Using the facial guidelines you will need to draw out the big round eyes, then add some lashes. Draw the nose and mouth, then add detailing inside of her ear.


Here you will draw the skinny shape of her neck, then draw in her shoulders, crossed arms, and then the lining for her shirt.


So here is where you will need to draw in her waist, then draw the skirt which is ruffled and pleated.


Blythe has long straight hair that curls at the ends. Draw in the length, then draw the headband.


Add thing stripes on her hair for texture detailing. Erase the mistakes then you will be all done.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now just color Blythe Baxter in.

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April 15, 2013

Description: Here is the main figure from Littlest Pet Shop. Here is "how to draw Blythe", step by step. Blythe Baxter lived in a small town, but now that she is in the big city, she can live out her dream as she designs clothing for her friends and animals. Some of the animals in the Littlest Pet Shop include a panda, skunk, monkey, hedgehog, gecko, mongoose, and a Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. Not only does Blythe design clothes for her fury friends, she also can also converse with them. It all came as a surprise to Blythe as to how she is able to understand animals talk, but since she can, she doesn't question the ability any longer because she loves them all so very much. Drawing Blythe Baxter will be fun and easy. She is also a very colorful and vibrant girl that will add some light to your eye. Peace out amigos!

#how to draw littlest pet shop #how to draw littlest pet shop characters

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