Draw out his blue jay head feather which is also called a crest, and then draw out the shape of his beak like so.
Add his eye shapes, and then start drawing out the top part of his body like you see here. Make sure you take your time so that Mordecai's body comes out portioned.
Now it's time to finish off this character by drawing out the rest of the body. This includes the long skinny legs, and feet. Once that is all done, you can begin erasing the lines and shapes you drew in step one.
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August 12, 2010
Description: I told you about the 411 on Rigby which is the new outrageous character from the new upcoming animated cartoon series “Regular Show”. It's now time for me to end the tutorial day by uploading this submission that will teach you "how to draw Mordecai" which is Rigby's best friend. Unlike his better half, Mordecai is the more level headed out of the two. He takes on so much responsibilities which sort of makes him act a lot older then what he is. Even though Mordecai is the more series one of this crazy duo, he still likes to have fun every once in a while just like his pal Rigby. Yes, it's true he is a teenaged blue jay, and his friend is a total wreck and handful to deal with. Remember when I said that Rigby reminded me of Butthead, well Mordecai sort of reminds me of Cat from CatDog, and a tiny bit of Ren from Ren and Stimpy. Some other characters that the best friends interact with on a daily basis is Pops, Benson, Skips, Muscle Man and High Five Ghost, which are the bullies or jerks of the series, and of course there has to be at least one girl for one of the two to have a crush on, and that would be Margaret the red robin. Any, I hope you guys take an interest in the new series because I can almost guarantee that it's going to be a huge hit. In the mean time, have fun teaching yourself " how to draw Mordecai" step by step. I might be back later to submit one more lesson, or I may just wait till tomorrow. Either way I will still be joining you guys for a full live session. Peace out peeps and come back for the live stream show.