Because its body parts are complicated, we are going to break it into two parts. First we will give its head the right shape and draw parts of its face and horns. Then draw the torso. You will draw the various shapes in it as well.
Now draw the arms and legs. Same as step three, you will draw all the various little shapes in it.
You will now draw its face. After that you will start to draw the shade lines on each little shapes in its body parts to make it look three dimensional. The machine gun on its hand is pretty complicated, so please be patient while drawing it.
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January 19, 2010
Description: Hello, friends on Dracoart.com. Today we got a request on "how to draw mecha, step by step". The term Mecha, also known as Meka or Mechs, is derived from the Japanese word Meka (メカ), as in “mechanical.” A mech is basically a huge robot that can transform in mangas. The mecha I am going to show you how to draw today is based on the robot from legendary comic Mobile Suit Gundam (機動戦士ガンダム). Mechas are really popular in animes and mangas in Asia. I remember when I was a kid, the most popular mecha anime was Mazinger Z (マジンガーZ). Everyone had a Mazinger Z toy and everyone knew how to sing the theme song. Now the Gundam toys seem like they are more than just toys. Often professional craft artists put them together and believe me, they make a fortune by just doing that. I always thought that would be a really sweet job to have. That just shows how popular Mecha is in Asia. This mecha tutorial is one of those “ easy but complicated” drawings, so you might find the details and all of the various shapes are pretty complex. However, if you break them into few steps and be really patient, it’s actually pretty easy. So I hope you all will have fun drawing the mecha. I will see you all again soon!