How to Draw Little Hangman
Hello down there ;) That's another part of my "happy" artwork. So let's start... As usual, start by drawing outline of his body, and an oval for his head. Add some facial guidelines (a cross in the middle would be enough).
Finish the lower part of his uniform. His legs are extremely easy and they look like two, thick sausages ;P
The head. It's covered by huge hood. I don't have any idea how to describe it's shape... So let's continue... Just below the hood draw curved line for the right arm.
It's time to add some details. Draw left arm, two circles for the eyes. Then modify the shape of his collar and add a line to separate it from rest of the hood.
it's time to draw an axe. Start, by drawing the handle - a long rectangle with rounded ends. Then draw two short lines (perpendicular to the handle) in the place where you want to add a blade. Draw a semicircle with its center somewhere between those
Finish the shape of the axe and add a curved line to separate the sharpened edge. Draw a little oval for the right hand (he has to have one to catch the axe).