Draw two circles one for the head and the other for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.
Here you will draw the mane like hair that streams down the center of the head. Add the curled shafts as well which are the ears.
Next, draw in the eyes, nose and lips for the Pokemon's mouth. Notice how the eyeballs are looking in one direction.
Finally and lastly, make the marks on the front legs, and draw in the padding on the back foot. Erase your mistakes as well.
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June 18, 2013
Description: Here is a brand new Pokemon species that is completely adorable. Up next we will learn "how to draw Litleo", step by step. This species was designed and based on a lion cub (as if you can't tell). It's simply fantastic and it sort of reminds me of a tweaked up lion cub. If you have been waiting for this lesson on how to draw Litleo, here it is. Have fun with this tut folks and yes, there is still more lessons coming your way.