How to Draw Korn, Korn Logo
First, let's begin with a straight, horizontal line to base most of the logo on. This line will define each letter of the logo proportionately, even though it looks strange.
Then, we'll draw the "K", which has narrowed and warped angles. You'll want to draw the left side of the "K" first, before you work on the two spikes to make the dip into the middle of the base letter. Keep notice of the distance as well as the sharp
Ok, now the "R" might be a little difficult, mostly because it's backwards. Here's what we'll do: draw the right line base of the "R" and keep the left part empty. Then, draw the curved shape which morphs into letter base and back out with a curl at
Lastly, draw the "N", keeping those little sharp angles in their right places. Sketch the letter shape first before shading it bold.
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December 18, 2011
Description: How about another band logo, hmm? There's just so many bands that you folks like these days, it gets baffling. In this new lesson, we'll be learning “how to draw Korn logo”, step by step. I know for a fact that Korn has been heard of amongst most of you, especially peeps who love any type of rock or metal. I've been a fan of Korn since my mom and dad started to listen to it. My mom loves the band, and so do I. There's lots of songs I've heard of, and I'm also a fan of the “Queen of the Damned” soundtrack he's produced; though, it isn't of lyrical value like his past – older music. Make sure, if you want to hear the BEST of Korn, listen to their older music, like “Freak on a Leash”, Ball Tongue”, “Falling Away”, “Daddy”, and lots more. Anyways, I'm going to start switching to my Tool to Korn to get into today's mood for tuts! I hope y'all will enjoy this lesson as much as I had creating it. Thanks so much for viewing this tut!