For the second step you will use the facial guides to sketch out the prominent brows and then sketch out Koba's nose shape.
Create the small indented crease lines along the top of the brows. When that is done you can draw in Koba's eyes along with the wrinkling between the eyes.
Okay, here is where you will need to take your time as you add detailing and definition to your drawing of Koba. As you can see in this step, you will need to sketch in those layered wrinkles, creases and folds that start down Koba's snout and under
You will also take your time as you sketch the shape of Koba's face structure. Notice that his face and head has a lot more curves and indents then Caesar's face.
Lastly, you will finish Koba's face by sketching out the nostrils, the scar on his nose, then the mouth, lip and forehead creases. Erase whatever mistakes you might have made along the way.
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December 28, 2014
Description: There always has to be at least one cool, tough, troubled character in any film about freedom and how societies should be run. That is the case for this next character from the films 'Rise of the Planet of the Apes' and 'Dawn of the Planet of the Apes'. Up next, we will learn how to draw Koba, step by step. He is by far one cool looking ape that has a very different outlook on life and how the apes should treat the human race. Koba started out as the commanding officer in Caesar's Ape Army as well as a council member of Caesar's Council of Apes. Drawing Koba will be a bit different then when you drew Caesar because he has more definition to his face as he is an older ape. Anyways, I hope you like this lesson. I have more tuts that will be a whole lot easier so be sure you stay tuned in for those. Adios amigos and good luck.