Step 1: We are going to start off with the guidelines of kero-chan's head and body. So start off by drawing a circle for his head and lines for his back, hips, arms and legs.
Step 2:Now we are going to add ears to kero-chan's head, So add two slightly deformed semi-circles on the side of his head.
Step 3: We are now going to draw his body. His right arm should be slightly overlapping his face, his right hand should be slightly overlapping his right ear, his belly should come out a little bit from the (diagonal) blue line, the belly line should
Step 4: We are now going to add his wings. The line for his left wing's first "feather" should start about 1/6 of his head, the middle"feather" should start about half way on his left arm and the last "feather" should start about 2/3 on his arm. The
Step 5: It's time to draw the tail! The tail should start just on the hip line, make a downwards curve in his tail and then draw it up to near his last "feather" on the right wing.
Step 5: It's time to add the extra detail, like the eyes, mouth, nose etc. Draw the eyes a bit close to the edge, one eye open and one eye closed. Then draw a nose and mouth about in between the two eyes. Then add two curved line inside the ear.
Step 5: Erase the guidelines, fix it up if you wish and then add colour, if you wish to do so. Anddddddd you're done :) I hoped you enjoyed this tutorial
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April 7, 2012
Description: Hi guys and girls of Dragoart, this is my first tutorial.. so it may not be as good as any other tutorial on this website. I hope that you'll like it. Kero-chan is from Cardcaptor Sakura, which is a Japanese shōjo manga series written and illustrated by the manga artist group Clamp. Kero is the appointed guardian of the book which holds the Clow Cards. Enough spoilers...