First, you have to start drawing the basic lines of the first character, In this case, JJ. Its agood idea to start drawing the head and going down. Its very important to get sure that the hands are In the correct position.
In this step, you have to draw the basic shapes of the second character, I call her Violet. The most dificult step is this, because you have to make coincide the two bodies.
Well, you have to start drawing their faces. You already have to draw their hairs and some other face details. Don't worry if you can't draw it at the first time. Use a rubber and try again, it can be a bit dificult.
Now, you have to complete their bodies drawing all the muscles, but don't start puting details yet, you van dress your characters later, now, you have to decide if your character will be fat, strong or thin. I'm going to try with a strong one.
Finally, you have to "dress your characters however you want, adding allá the datails as you can. You can see that I'm drawing JJ, with his famous armbands. And for Violet, a short dress with a lot of embroidery.
This is the end. I add the wings, but its not necessary. Luck and please, continue drawing. Scuse my english, but I'm Spanish and this is all I can do it. Enjoy my tutorial xD
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September 1, 2012
Description: In this easy tutorial, you van learn how ti draw the main characters of the book "The Shadow Chronicles". In this picture, JJ is taking Violet up.