Finish drawing the shape of his actual head which also happens to be his hair. Very simple lines to make almost a bell shape for the head/hair completion. Draw the right earlobe too.
Lastly, draw the big, bright eyes, then draw Hiccup's nose, smile and dimple. Erase the guidelines as well as any mistakes you might have made.
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November 11, 2014
Description: The reason behind the thought to do this lesson on "how to draw Hiccup easy" came from two places. The first from my sister who went to see HTTYD 2 (how to train your dragon: part two) and because a member suggested that I made a tut on Hiccup in an easy form. Anyways, my kid sister said that the schedule was funny and she really enjoyed watching them all on the screen again with a new story. She also said there was a couple stupid parts of the movie, but she didn't want to go into details so she just dropped the subject from there. The more important thing is that my sister loved How to Train Your Dragon 2, and she also had fun with this lesson on drawing Hiccup easy.