How to Draw Ezio Auditore


Start out by picking your materials. I used charcoal on mixed media paper for this drawing. Use 6B charcoal for soft shading, a 2B charcoal pencil for dark details and shading and an HB charcoal pencil for light details and shading. A white charcoal    


Start out by sketching basic shapes and guidelines. All you need for this step are guidelines that you can build upon. I always start with a circle and build the rest of my subject around it. HB charcoal works best for this step.


Sketch in a basic idea of Ezio, his clothing, and his blade/hand. Don't worry about making these lines perfect.


Use the darkest pencil you have (6B) to outline the main outlines of the drawing. If you are using 6B charcoal remember to draw very lightly; your lines will be dark regardless of how hard you press down. Erase any unneeded guidelines after your outl   


For this step, roughly/lightly shade over the entire drawing with anything lighter than what you used for outlining. I used soft vine charcoal for this step but 2B and HB charcoal could also work. After you cover the whole drawing with shading use a    


For this step I used a 2B pencil to start roughly shading in Ezio's hood. Shade lightly and don't worry about your shading looking too rough. Erase away basic highlights with a kneaded eraser.


Refine the hood's outline/edges using a 2B charcoal pencil. Make sure that your pencil is as sharp as possible for this step.


Use a blending stump to smooth out your shading. If you are using charcoal, you'll find it a bit more difficult to blend your shading than it would be with graphite. Just try to get your shading as smooth as you can for now.


Use an HB charcoal pencil to sketch in the patterns on the top section of his hood. You can get as details as you would like to here.


Use a 2B charcoal pencil to add darker and crisper lines to the hood. Use an HB charcoal pencil lightly shade over the hood in order to smooth out your shading. You can also use a blending stump and kneaded eraser to make you shading a bit smoother.


Use a 2B pencil to start refining the shading o the rest of the hood. Switch between rough shading with a 2B and blending with a blending stump to smooth out your dark shading. Make sure to make you edges crisp as well.


Use HB and 2B charcoal pencils to draw in the rest of the hood patterns. Use a kneaded eraser to add highlight wherever you need them. Go over the entire hood again and refine your shading.


Here I used 6B charcoal to roughly shade over the left side of the background. I then use a blending stump and kneaded eraser to smooth out my shading. Use a 2B charcoal pencil to refine your edges and blend them into the background.


Use a 2B charcoal pencil to add rough shading to the face. Keep the shading basic and light for now.


Use a blending stump to smooth out your shading. Use a kneaded eraser to add highlights.


Use an HB charcoal pencil to smooth out the shading on the skin and refine details. Use a 2B charcoal pencil to refine the darker shading/lines. Use a kneaded eraser to add highlights and a blending stump to smooth out your shading.


For this step I used a 6B charcoal pencil to roughly shade in the fest of Ezio's body/clothing. You can use a 2B charcoal penci for this as well.


Smooth out all of your shading with a blending stump. Roughly add highlights as needed.


Start refining details from left to right starting with Ezio's right shoulder. Switch between 2B and HB pencils to make you shading smoother and you lines crisper. Use blending stumps and kneaded erasers as needed.


Use a kneaded eraser to add some light stripes to Ezio's scarf and add some highlights to his blade.


Use an HB charcoal pencil to add detail and smooth out the scarf and blade. Use a 2B charcoal pencil on the dark lines and shading.


Use a 2B charcoal pencil to refine the rest of Ezio's hood. Use an HB charcoal pencil to define the fur on his left shoulder.


Use 6B charcoal once more to add shading to the rest of the background. Use whatever works for you to smooth out your shading. I found a bit of paper towel quite effective for this step. Use a 6B charcoal pencil to shade in the areas that outline Ezi   


Finally go over your entire drawing with all of your pencils and try to fix any problems that you find/ Refine your darkest edges and shadows with 6B and 2B charcoal. Fix you lighter shading with HB charcoal. Finally, if you to make your highlights e   

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August 29, 2013

Description: Hey everyone, here's a tutorial that was requested of me on YouTube (so look forward to a video tutorial in the near future). I'm going to be showing you how to draw Ezio Auditore da Firenze from Assassin's Creed Revelations. Get your pencil's and papers out and have fun with this one!

#how to draw assassins creed characters #how to draw assassins creed

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