How to Draw Elise

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Start with a circle for the head, and then draw in the guidelines for the face and body like so.


Sketch out the pointed shape of Elise's face structure and then draw in the eyes, nose, and hairstyle line.


Finish drawing out the shapes of her big eyes, and then add the lining for the brows. Next, give Elise some eyeballs, and then draw in a nice, friendly mouth and smile.


Now you can finish drawing out her hairstyle and be sure that you sketch in some strand detailing lines to add texture to her hair. The last thing to do is draw the shape of her neck.


You are real close to finishing this tutorial on Elise from Dan Vs. What you will be doing here is drawing out her upper body starting with the shoulders, chest, waist, and then her arms and hands. As you can see the arms are resting on her hips.


Before you get happy about drawing Elise's pants, you have to draw in the shirt collar and the sleeve trim. Once that is done cap off the shirt at the waistline, and then draw out her baggy style pants. Be sure add some cuffs, and folds at the bottom   


Final step guys! What do you have to do here? You need to only draw out her simple looking sneakers. Add a sole, and some thread lines and then start erasing the lines and shapes that you drew in step one.


Now that you finished the last character from Dan Vs, you can begin coloring her in. I hope you had fun with todays lesson's and I also hope yo join me once again for another fun filled tutorial.

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May 1, 2011

Description: Okay guys, this is the last character from the animated series 'Dan Vs' and to end the shows three main figures, I will teach you "how to draw Elise", step by step. She is Chris' attractive wife that is hard as nails and full of spunk. Elise is also very smart, and very supportive of Dan and Chris' relationship that they have between each other. Her style is very aloof as she wears a plain white tee with red collar and sleeve trim, and a pair of jeans and sneakers. She looks a little like Kim Possible just a bit more sporty. One thing that Elise does, is go along with Dan's plots and schemes and I guess she does this to seek out revenge for certain things. She is going to be a very simple character to draw as well as the last. I think you will find that learning "how to draw Elise from Dan Vs", is going to be fun and exciting because she is just a cool wife, and figure. I think I will call it a night or I just may submit one more lesson. If I return the tutorial will most likely be on another cartoon character, but if I don't return I bid thee farewell, and good-day.

#how to draw dan vs #how to draw dan vs characters

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