How to Draw DuBois, Madagascar 3

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Like I always say when drawing a new character face, start by making a circle for the head and then sketch in the facial guidelines.


Next, begin sketching out the sharp structure of her face. Dubois has high cheek bones and a chiseled face.


Using the facial guidelines all you have to do here is draw out her long, almond shaped big eyes. The top lid lines should be thick, and there should also be some nice bold lashes at the ends of her eyes. Draw the outline for her mouth then move to s   


To give her that mean, devious expression, you will need to draw out the shapes of her eyeballs then color in the pupils. Draw the mean expressive eyebrows, then sketch in crease lines for her eyes. When you feel that the eyes are drawn to your stand   


Next, let's draw the high, stiff cap that this capitaine is wearing. You can do this very simply by drawing a box like shape then draw in the fleur de lis style design in the center of her hat. Make the band around the base of the hat, then move alon   


Next step guys is to draw in her short hair in tight chunky style curls. You will also need to add some detailing to her curls by adding some swirls on the inside of each one like you see here.


Lastly, draw out her long skinny neck, then make the shirt collar. Once that is done you can start erasing the mistakes and guides.


Here is what DuBois looks like when you are all done. Now you have to get busy as you color her in. She is a bright character in the film which is a nice feature to her dark evil side.

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April 21, 2012

Description: I told you I might be back with another character from the new Madagascar 3 movie. I thought that making a lesson on the villain from the film might be something that you guys would enjoy drawing. So here is "how to draw Dubois", step by step. Her full name is Capitaine Chantel DuBois, and she is one ruthless, and relentless woman. She is a animal control worker that has made it her mission in life to capture all of the Zoosters which includes Marty, Melman, Alex, and Gloria. I guess you could say that she is looking to add some new trophies to her animal capture collection. Captain DuBois goes through great lengths as she runs around Europe to try and swoop up the pesky animals that she thinks to be annoying and a menace. Her evil looking face and mole makes her an interesting character to draw. I think you will enjoy recreating Dubois because she really does look like your typical English animal capitaine. Well, that's about it. Don't worry I will return with more drawing fun, I'm actually just getting started. Stick around for my return because more exciting fun is on the way. Adios people and please enjoy your drawing day!

#how to draw madagascar characters

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