How to Draw Dracula Easy


Make two guide shapes, one for the head and the other for the body. Sketch in the facial guidelines too.


You will define the shape of Dracula's face like so and include the hairline as well as the ear. The point should be added.


Next, draw out and color in the thick eyebrows. When that is done draw the massive shaped eyes followed by the mouth and one fang. Detail inside the ear and add drips of blood from the mouth.


We will draw the head which is also the hairstyle. Once that is complete draw in the big flaps for the cape.


Continue to draw the cape and make sure it curls up at the ends. Draw in his hand followed buy the object he is holding in his hand.


We will now draw the torso and legs, then draw the arms and the other hand. Don't forget to add detailing to the short and pants as well.


Finish the cape and draw the shoes. Erase your mistakes and the guides.


Here is the line art now that you are all done. Just add some color to your drawing for Dracula easy.

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October 1, 2015

Description: Halloween is drawing near and in exactly thirty days we will be celebrating Halloween. If you're like me you and are a fanatic about the dark holiday, you should enjoy some of the lessons I have in store for you. We will start by learning how to draw Dracula easy, step by step. This is basically a chibi version of Dracula, just in a kiddie form so everyone can have fun with this lesson. It's not an enjoyable experience when you have a hard time following a tut so this one should be easy enough for all to follow. Go ahead and enjoy this task of drawing Dracula easy and I will be back with more tuts for you all.

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