How to Draw Death Note

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Here I just point out the style of the lettering that you will be drawing. Notice how each letter beginning has a jagged or rounded edge. This is what happens when you write with a thing wet marker like pen.


Start by drawing the horizontal lining which will help you draw out your letters even with each other.


Start by drawing out the D and E like you see here. Each letter in the spelling of Death Note is capitalized except for the t.


Now you will draw out and color in a dot in the middle of the D letter. Once that is done draw the letters A and t like you see here.


You are almost done guys. Next, draw the letters H and N and again that are both capitalized.


Almost done! Here you will draw out an O and a t. I know that the O might look like it's a lowercase letter, but it's not. The uppercases letter is just drawn in a very non overpowering way.


Lastly, draw out the uppercase E and then draw in and color another dote but this time put it in the middle of the O. Erase the one guidelines you drew in step one.


Here is what the finished letters look like when you are finished with this lesson on how to draw Death Note. Thanks for joining me with another fun tutorial.

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February 26, 2011

Description: I know this don't seem like much, but this is going to be a lesson that will show you "how to draw Death Note" in letter form. The tutorial shouldn't be hard to follow although it was kind of confusing making a step by step lesson showing you how to draw the letters that spells the words 'Death Note'. I have been a fan of the series for so long now, and it seems that it has grown to be one of the most popular anime shows, and manga of all time. Each character is unique, and there is no way that you can confuse each figure from Death Note with one another even of you tried. They are all colorful but dark, and spunky but subtle. The creation of each character is epic because they all have their own personalities which makes them even more epic. I guess that's about it, now you can tackle this lesson on "how to draw Death Note", step by step. I will be back later with more drawing fun.

#how to draw death note characters

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