How to Draw Daffodils

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Start your daffodils by drawing two round circles and then add an inner circle. Next draw five guidleines on the flower diagram to the left, and then another three guidelines to the flower on the right. When you're done, this first step should look l   


You will start drawing out the star shaped pedals. There should be a total of six. Next sketch out the rough inner circle of the daffodil.


Finish drawing out the rest of the star shaped pedals for the daffodil to the right. You will also add dimple lines to detail the pedals, and then sketch out the inner bloom of the flower.


You have already reached your last drawing step and all you have to do is draw the defining dimple lines in the center of each daffodil pedal. When that is done sketch an inner dip line to emphasize the bloom that the trumpets are resting in. Erase a   


Here you have it, a finished drawing on daffodils. Now all you need to do is color them in and that's it! Hope you had fun, and be sure to join me once again.

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January 10, 2010

Description: Well hello again my fine, friendly artist mates, and welcome back to another fun fill lesson. Today I will start the day by drawing some pretty flowers. As some of you may or may not have noticed, I now have a flowers category because I find myself drawing a flower or two on an occasional basis. There will be a total of three different sweet smelling plants that you will get lessons on. To start, let me show you “how to draw daffodils, step by step”. Daffodils are one of the prettier flowers that are admired and loved by both men and women. How many species of daffodils are there? Well, how about between forty and two hundred different types of breeds. These flowers are very distinct looking, making them beautiful blooms. The contrast in colors is unique as well. For yellow colored daffodils, the inner “trumpet” shaped horns, is a darker yellow to a point to where it's almost orange. The inner structure sits against star shaped pedals, and if you try and count how many pedals there is to a background, you will almost always come up with a number of six. Remember when I said that there is over two hundred different daffodil species? Well with these different types of Narcissus, comes all sorts of colors. You can find daffodils in shades of yellow, yellow and white, yellow and orange, white and orange, pink, and even a pretty lime green. This tutorial will not give you a lesson on one daffodil, you will actually learn “how to draw daffodils, step by step” meaning two. Some florists sell a wide variety of different colored daffodils, and if they don't carry them, your florist can often order them for you. Especially if your giving this particular flower as a gift. Remember, if you give the gift of a daffodil, you are sending someone a symbolizing form of friendship, because that is what this flower represents. I hope you guys have fun with this lesson. When you're done, you can color in your flowers to be any species of daffodil you like. Until next time peeps.


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