How to Draw Converse, How to Draw Chuck Taylors

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Here is a quick sketch of a break down on the Chuck Taylor All-Stars by Converse. Here i just point out some of the features associated with Chucks. For example, there is a double stitch pattern which is the lip for the lace holes, the patch which di   


Let's start. Draw a shape that look a lot like a skateboarding ramp like you see here.


Now begin sketching out the actual outline of the Converse Chuck Taylor design concept like you see here, and when you are done be sure to give the sneaker a rounded toe tip.


Draw in the patched piece that the lace holes are placed on. When that is done, you can draw in the eye holes, and then the laces. Be sure to take your time during this step so you get a nice even drawing.


Here you will draw out the lining that separates the canvas from the rubber sole. Once you draw out the rubber sole, you need to draw out the rubber tipped part of the sneakers toe. Next, draw in the circle for the patch, and then draw a bold line in   


Here is what your sneaker looks like now that you Chuck is done. Now you can go ahead and color in the shoe to your liking. I hope you had fun teaching yourself how to draw Chucks.

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March 21, 2011

Description: I hope everyone is having fun with the tutorials I am uploading today because I had so much fun drawing each one out. For my next lesson I am going to fill another request and show you guys "how to draw Converse", step by step. The Chuck Taylor high top sneaker has been a product with popularity since the twenties. I know more people that wear Chucks than any other sneaker on the market today. I myself wear this brand shoe once in a while now, but in the summer months I am always sporting a pair of Chuck Taylor's. Converse started their sneaker shoe line in 1917 but the company itself has been around since 1908 and it's called “The Converse Rubber Company”. Cons or Chucks are simply made of canvas material and rubber. The soles are rubber and the body of the shoe is all canvas. The All Star brand comes in many different colors, and material nowadays, but when they first came out they where only available in earth tones. The reason why the sneaker is called Chuck Taylor All-Stars, is because it is named after a famous basketball player that brought the new line from zero, to one of the biggest name brands ever in America. Did you know that the Converse All Stars sneaker line was the first basketball shoe in America ever to be mass produced? Today, it's not only you, your friends, and your next door neighbors kids that sport Converse, popular stars also rock the fashionable, and non-fashionable shoe. Kurt Cobain was known to wear nothing but Converse during the 90's which was under the influence of various styles from rock and punk bands. Anyways, I hope this tutorial is what you where looking for as a drawing lesson. If you like drawing fashionable things, you should enjoy this tutorial on "how to draw Converse" too. I shall return folks with more drawing fun so stay tuned in because I have a surprise for you all.

#how to draw shoes #how to draw sneakers

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