First, prepare yourself with drawing the basic framework for chibi Squidward. You'll be needing a solid frame base so you'll mold on other important details that create the overall character. Swiftly draw the circle if you don't have a compass. Drawi
Next, draw the basic frame for the head and face. NEVER draw the face randomly without the shape of the head. You'll prone to mess up. Right now, cute Squidward looks like seahorse of some sort. End this step by drawing the shirt. By getting the bulk
Then, draw the facial details that give Squidward's character away. Start sketching out the arms and legs for his tentacles. I had a lot of fun drawing these all squiggly and fat so it gives him an appearance of a true chibi.
Lastly, finish off the tentacles and the wrinkles above his forehead. The wrinkles serve as thin eyebrows; it kinda adds the resemblance of an octopus-like character.
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November 6, 2010
Description: So after the huge blow-up with the Jack Sparrow chibi, I decided to do another based on a legendary character from Spongebob. This cartoon show has been with the family for a very long time, way before I even started DragoArt. In this super cute lesson, you'll be going full throttle to learn “how to draw chibi Squidward”, step by step. Squidward has been one of my favorite characters in the show besides Patrick. He's really awesome to see angry and always has his arch-enemies, Pat and Sponge tinkling around with his space. I don't know what to say except that drawing chibis is definitely my forte. There was a lot of fun put into this lesson, especially the tentacles. I didn't spend too much time on the coloring since it's a very basic drawing. The line art is very simple compared to the latest chibi I've submitted. There are other chibis of the Spongebob characters that were chibi-tized on the site, so be sure to check them out if you like this one! After I submit this lesson, I'll have to call it a night since I still haven't slept. Consider getting yourself a compass and a different colored pencil for the guidelines. It's important to ready yourself with these utensils mainly because it'll definitely help on your artistic learning endeavors. All of this was drawn in approximately an hour and a half. I hope that you can finish this within that time as well! Thanks for viewing this lesson and have fun learning “how to draw chibi Squidward”. Don't forget to leave feedback on how you did!