How to Draw Chibi Chuck Norris


Begin by drawing the large shape for the head and then make the other shape for the body. You will then sketch in the facial guidelines as well as the hand guide.


In this step you will define the shape of chibi Chuck Norris' face and then draw in the puffy bangs along with the sides of the hair. Add some definition lines to the bangs and move to step three.


Finish drawing the hairstyle which also happens to be the head shape. There should be indents to the top of the head and some wavy chunks of hair on the sides and back.


We will now draw the thick, dark eyebrow and then the thick upper eye lid line. Add the eyeball shape and then the cheek bump that is aligned with the eye.


Color in the pupils, then draw the facial hair which is his thick signature beard. Draw the nose and mouth like so, then you are ready for step six.


We will begin drawing the body next. Start with the chunky sleeves or arms like so. As you can see his body is in fighting pose.


Draw in his fists next. One is facing forward and the other is up in the air. Add some detailing to the clothing as well.


Draw in the end of the shirt and then draw in chibi Chuck Norris' legs and feet. Again, his body is in fighting pose so be sure the legs are spread far enough apart. Erase the mistakes and guidelines/shapes because you are all done.


That's all there is to it. You have now completed this drawing of chibi Chuck Norris. It's time to color him in and you can show off your art.

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February 24, 2015

Description: I thought it would be a cool idea to fill a request on a popular figure in chibi form. Having said that, here is how to draw chibi Chuck Norris, step by step. Everyone knows that Chuck Norris is popular so why not make a fun lesson on him all decked out in his karate gi ready to fight. The first time I saw Chuck Norris was in a Bruce Lee movie called 'The Way of the Dragon'. All I thought to myself was "man, that guy is hairy". He is no doubt a skilled fighter, and has been around since the late 60's. I hope you guys have fun with this tut on drawing Chuck Norris in chibi form. There are still tuts coming your way so stay tuned in to see what they are.

#draw chibi
1 - Super Cool
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