How to Draw Chi From Chobits

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We will be drawing Chi from a 3/4 angle so let's get started. Make the shapes for the head and torso like so, then sketch in the facial guidelines and neck line.


Now that Chi's guides are all added, we can get started with the character creation. Start with sketching out the shape of her face. You will then draw the hair that is hanging down the sides of her face. This hair looks more like chunks or dog paws.


Continue to work on the head by sketching out the rest of the head shape in the form of her hairstyle. She has a very basic bowl cut style with long bangs. Draw in the downward positioned ears, then move to step four.


We will now work on drawing Chi's face. Draw the shapes of her eyes, then draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth. Add detailing to the ears and draw the hair that is banded in chunks like so. Add detailing to the hair too.


Sketch in a small part of the neck, then draw the chest, shoulder and arm. You will also need to draw in the lining for her top and add detailing under the breast.


Sketch out the shape or lining of her back, then add detailing to the shoulder blade and elbow of her arm.


And finally for the last step all you have to do is draw the rest of her hair which is thick and long. Add detailing to her hair, then you can erase the mistakes and guides.


Here is what Chi looks like when you are all done. Now you can start coloring her in to perfection. I hope you enjoyed this lesson Artdog22.

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November 19, 2013

Description: Okay so after waiting a long while for this request to get made and submitted, I present to you Artdog22 the lesson you have been asking me for. Here is "how to draw Chi from Chobits", step by step. When I say I will fill requests I have every intention on doing so but sometimes I get soo many, it's gets hard to keep track of all the characters, people or objects that members and visitors would like me to do. As I promised this lesson on drawing Chi from Chobits is for you Artdog22, and for anyone else who wanted a tut on this character form the Chobits series. Have fun with it, but most importantly I hope you also learn from this lesson. Adios amigos and please enjoy.

#how to draw chobits #how to draw chobits characters

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