How to Draw Carl the Fireman Minion


Start out with an oblong rounded shape for Carl's body like so. You will then draw in the facial guidelines followed by the leg guides.


Up next, draw in Carl's alarm light on top of his head along with the straps that fall down the side of the head/face.


We will then define Carl's body shape just by recreating the shape of the Minion's body. Once you have done that, go ahead and draw another alarm like and then his thick goggle like glasses. Add the lid line and eyes, then draw in the strap that conn   


We will simply draw in his mouth, teeth and tongue. He is speaking over the megaphone so be sure that the mouth is drawn in the expressive pose.


The face is finished but we now need to draw in the other light and then the megaphone. Draw the tapered end and then draw in the handle and hand gripping the handle.


Here you will draw the farmer style slacks along with his arm and gloved hand which is resting on his hip. Add the pocket and then the logo on the front of the pocket.


Almost done folks. Here you will draw the legs, shoes and the rest of the megaphone.


Lastly, add the speaker inside the hollow of the megaphone and then draw a simple round ring inside. You are all done and ready to erase the mistakes and the guides.


Here is Carl the Fireman Minion all ready to color in. Be sure to add color before showing off your newly drawn Minion to the world.

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November 11, 2016

Description: Here is a request that was made a couple weeks ago. Before this request came though I had no idea how popular this Minion was. So here is how to draw Carl the Fireman Minion, step by step. This will be an easy lesson to tackle, but if you are a novice artist you might find it difficult because of the additions to the Minion that are not common like the lights on the head and the PMP or Megaphone he is holding as well. That doesn't mean don't tackle the lesson because you should most definitely challenge your skills to become better. If you are one of the members who requested this tut on drawing Carl the Fireman Minion, I hope you like it. I will be back with the rest of my tuts so don't stray too far away.

#how to draw minions
1 - Super Cool
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