How to Draw Carl, Carl from The Walking Dead, Chandler Riggs

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Draw the oval lightly with a No.2 or HB pencil. Make sure you draw it as seen in the picture.


Now draw in the bisecting red line to balance his facial features.


Sketch lightly the crescent red lines for hair line and head mass.


You can draw in the lines a. for eyebrows, b. for eyes, c. for nose, d. for mouth, and e. for shoulder placements.


Now draw in Carl's eyes and add the whisp of hair above. Then draw in the eyebrow above the next eye. Don't forget his nose and freckles (I think it is blood splatter on his nose).


Observe where Carl's features appear in relation to the guidelines. Draw in his nose, lips, chin, and freckles (blood splatter).


Watch closely how Carl's face outline, jawline, chin, and ear relate to the guidelines. As you draw, you will have more accuracy.


When you sketch his hair, add those straight lines and curls. Try staying close to the lines that represent the direction of his hair. This will help if you decide to shade it in.


Now draw in his neck, collar, and shoulders. If you haven't already, you can erase your guidelines.


I made this line drawing especially for you. If you want you can either color it in or shade it. Next step has different types of pencils you can use.


PENCIL STROKES & TONE, SHADING, TEXTURE -- For your convenience, I have inserted this step with different pencils, strokes to use. And you can study the shapes that make up this drawing universe, along with tone, shading, and texture.


Best thing you can do when drawing hair is to establish the general shape then work in the main strands of hair by holding your pencil at a 45 degree angle for stroking and coverage. Then, as in the third picture, you can work in more details. But he   


Here is the final result of shading for an example. I am closing out now. But you all have been wonderful and it has been a great pleasure to do this tutorial with you. Please fav, comment, and show your love here. And I will definitely reply back s   

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November 10, 2012

Description: This tutorial is a little different. No shading involved so you can focus on drawing! This Carl Grimes (played brilliantly by Chandler Riggs), Sheriff Rick Grimes son and the character featured in this tutorial. Once an innocent little boy, now a soldier child turned mature, has came from trying to follow his mom's rules to taking responsibility of shooting her after a gory, tear-jerking scene of a C-section to deliver her baby. With no anesthesia, medicine, or anything to block his mom's (Lori's) bleeding, death was imminent. All he could do was to prevent his mom from turning into a walking dead to protect the newborn baby, his dad, and the close-knit group of survivors. With this very popular comic book, game, and TV show, you either love it or hate it. And I absolutely love this show. Yeah, there are zombies, but this brilliant thriller has an amazing cast you tend to love. The landscape, cityscape and drama is so real until you feel as if you're right there with the survivors. This AMC television series is one of the best TV shows of all times. Let me know what you think of this more simplified tut by commenting, faving or clicking on "Love It"! Peace n love to ya!

#draw famous people #draw characters #how to draw real people #how to draw celebrities #how to draw the walking dead characters

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