How to Draw Calcifer, Howls Moving Castle

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Start this first step by drawing out Calcifer's flame body. All you have to do is make a tear drop shape, and from there draw the lining in a crinkly style.


Next, give him some eyes and a mouth. The end result should be a surprised expression on his face.


And lastly, draw the pieces of fire that's just flickering around him. There was no guidelines to erase but you can clean up any mistakes you may have made.


Here is what Calcifer looks like when you are all done. Now you can color him in and be on your way.

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May 1, 2012

Description: I think I mentioned that I have been getting tons of requests for a bunch of different characters from popular anime films and series. Well, here is another character that is not human at all. Instead it's a living flame or should I say demon. Today I will fill a request and show you "how to draw Calcifer", step by step. For those of you that are not familiar with Howl's Moving Castle, I will give you some 411 on Calcifer. You see, Calcifer is a fire demon that lives in Howl's castle. A while ago Howl and Calcifer made a deal and as a result of that deal, Calcifer not only lives in the castle, he also heats and lights it as well. Like all flames, Calcifer feeds on logs, and because of this he often gets worried that he will run out. Believe it or not, but this little fire demon has a lot of powerful skills and he also has magic skills too. He can sometimes be a coward like Howl, but even so both will fight when the need arises. As far as his personality goes, well that's easy. Calcifer is what you call a grouchy fire demon that can be mean spirited at times. He is also afraid of the witch, but he also made an agreement with Howl that he would help break a curse on Sophie (another character from the film). Well, I think I have said all I can say about this small flame. Now it's your turn to begin drawing Calcifer so you can add another character from Howl's Moving Castle to your drawing collection. Stay tuned in to see who else will be submitted from yet another popular anime film. Adios mi amigos!

#how to draw howls moving castle #how to draw howls moving castle characters

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