How to draw Boo from Monsters Inc


now we start with the blank to the end, start with the face and make it how you want. I made it roudish- ovalish.


Now make the base of the body just a simple heads up for later on.


Now add the facial features like the eyes make a line, put to lines on each for eyelashes, then make a curved line down, conect with another line like top.


Now trace the body this is the heads up i said, make her like shes dancing or striking a pose.


Now add the cloth. I added a longish t-shirt and jeans but i leave it up to you for the Boo style.


Now you are done! clean up your lines and maybe darken the hair, then color!

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November 7, 2013

Description: Hi this is my first tut and ia m exited a bout it. it is boo from monsters inc. but also she is grown up have fun and enjoy!

#how to draw monsters inc characters
1 - Super Cool
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