I'm beginning with these steps. I'm starting with Carlos & Logan's faces. Draw the ovals lightly then add the diagonal bisecting lines.
Draw the crescent on the faces. The next group, draw the lines that represent: a. eyebrows, b. eyes, c. noses, and d. mouths.
In the first group, draw the placements for the eyebrows and eyes. The 2nd group, sketch in the irises pupils, ears, noses, mouths, jaws, cheeks, and necks.
Once you draw the first group's hairline fluff and shoulder placements, you begin to recognize their faces. The second group, you can sketch the hair on the top of their heads then their clothes. Don't forget those stripes on Logan's T-shirt. The nex
I left this step as a single unit because it is easier to see the details on how your line drawing can look. Those of you who want to go further or would like to read about drawing this band with a pencil, along with using other tools, continue to re
I didn't want to skip this. The first picture shows how to hold your pencil for Overhand (great for writing & details) and Underhand (great for shading large areas in wide strokes). You can practice tone shading and take it a step further with the To
Examine the types of pencils and blends in the picture. Also another important tool for texture is sandpaper. You can purchase many different grit ranges at your handy hardware store.
TOOLS TO USE – Click on this picture for useful and vital information on how and when to use these drawing tools.
Once you have erased your guidelines, your picture may look like the outline. Don't worry if it doesn't. You can always look back at your beginning creations and see how far you have come. Now the next group in this step is the sketch. I did straight
The first group I blended with tissue paper and used the blending tools to define the shadows on their faces and clothes. I planned this before I started the picture—to use sandpaper for texture on their clothes after blending. In the second group,
When I looked at the reference picture and saw Logan's sweater had darker black and white dots, I went back to the drawing board. I needed more dots. I took the 180 grit and went over again, rubbed my head, wondering how can I make it pop out. Finall
For highlights on Carlos & Logan, click on this picture. If you would like, in the next steps are Kendall & James's turn for you to draw.
This time around, you will have the joy of drawing Kendall & James. Once again start with the ovals and draw lightly then add the diagonal bisecting lines in the next group.
Draw the crescent on the faces. The next group, draw the lines that represent: a. eyebrows, b. eyes, c. noses, and d. mouths.
In the first group, draw the placements for the eyebrows and eyes. The 2nd group, sketch in the irises pupils, ears, noses, mouths, jaws, cheeks, and necks.
Once you draw the first group's hairline fluff and shoulder placements, you begin to recognize Kendall & James's faces. The second group, you can sketch the hair on the top of their heads then their tops. Don't forget the necklace around James's neck
I left this step as a single unit because it is easier to see the details on how your line drawing can look. Those of you who want to go further or would like to read about drawing this band with a pencil, along with using other tools, continue to re
TOOLS TO USE – Click on this picture for useful and vital information on how and when to use these drawing tools. Steps 6 & 7 have information on how to hold your pencil and tone exercise to give you better control as you shade.
Once you have erased your guidelines, your picture may look like the outline. Don't worry if it doesn't. You can always look back at your beginning creations and see how far you have come. Now the next group in this step is the sketch. I did straight
The first group I blended with tissue paper and used the blending tools to define the shadows on their faces and clothes. In the second group, I blended with the blending tools again. I used the white opaque ink to add white hair strands and highligh
The special feature in this picture is Kendall's plaid stripes, which always seemed impossible for me to draw in the past. But having the trusty white opaque ink and a small sable brush speeds up the time to complete this drawing. I could dilute the
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September 1, 2011
Description: We've gotten many requests for the band on a popular teen TV series called Big Time Rush. Rub your hands and get ready for a complete detailed tutorial on these four talented Nickelodeon guys, Carlos, Logan, Kendall and James. I've bulked most of the steps two-by-two to make sure you get all the tips and info needed just for you. Stay tuned for a special tool, highlights, tone, shading and more. I didn't skimp on any of the fellows. Each band member is well represented to give you a boost in drawing. Please don't be shy. Vote, comment, and fav so you can express how you feel. And I love to reply. Also make sure you submit your drawing here at DragoArt so I can vote, comment, and fav my favorite people's artwork. I hope you enjoy this tutorial on “How to Draw Big Time Rush.” *a huge blow kiss coming your way*