Next, sketch out the hair starting with the bangs and then you can draw more of Andy's hair. Detail inside of his ear like so, then add detailing to the hair.
Draw a nice clean line for the shape of Andy's nose, then sketch out the nostril hole. Add the lining for his mouth and then move along to step five.
Draw and color in Andy's eyebrow, then begin sketching out the shape of his eye which is closed. The shape should be cartoonish as you can see.
Draw in the thick bottom lip, then draw the lip ring and chin indent. Also sketch in some of the face definition.
Add in all of the shading until you have a completed image like the one you see here. Take your time so everything comes out perfect. Before adding the shading erase the guidelines and mistakes.
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January 6, 2014
Description: For those of you that are fans of Black Veil Brides you should know that I already have a lesson on the person you see before you now. Even though this is a fact, folks keep asking me to make another tutorial on "how to draw Andy Biersack" for the second time. There is no same way to show you how it's done all I can do is give you another lesson on drawing Andy in a different concept style. So go ahead and have fun all you Black Veil Brides fans and I will see you back here on the flip side.