lightly draw a circle with a "long c" connected to the bottom of it. draw the shoulder and arm guidlines. then inside the circle, sketch a curved cross.
in order for it to look decent and not lopsided, draw the body. this way the character will have normal arms( unlike slendy)
now you can sketch in the clothing. dont worry, once you master the body part, soon you wont have to use the technique.
this is is where those guidlines come in handy. make the bottom lashes near that horizontal line. and draw the eyes in bean style. this is when the eyes appear to be slanted inward. draw the rest of the hair and facail features after the eys.
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October 16, 2013
Description: since i stayed home today i was really bored. i wanted to draw something that kinda represents fall. and i thought. . . wind. so i drew this character. hope you all like. see you through the screen!:)