How to Draw Amethyst from Steven Universe

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Begin by drawing the head shape for Amethyst's head and then her body or upper body. You will then draw the arms and facial guidelines, then draw the arms.


Using the guides you made in step one, define the shape of her face, then draw one whole chunk of hair which covers one side of her face. Draw the ear and proceed to step three.


Using the facial guidelines draw in Amethyst's eye, eyebrow and her small nose and lips or mouth. By the way, I love her features.


Continue to work on Amethyst's hairstyle which is straight, layered and long. Add the star in her hair and you are done here.


Amethyst is sort of chunky so when you draw out her body there is going to be some chunk rolls down the sides of her upper body. Draw in the sleeves or arms, then add the shape of her neck.


All you have to do here is draw the cuffs on the sleeves, then draw the hands. The fingers should have pointed tipped fingers.


You are almost done folks. All you have to do is finish her body by drawing the hips and legs.


Lastly, draw the satchel and then draw the collar line of her sweater followed by the shoulder strap from her sleeveless tee under the sweater. Finally, draw in the Amethyst stone on her chest. Erase your mistakes and you are done.


Here is the line art when you are all done. Now you can color her in.

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August 16, 2013

Description: I don't know how many of you are familiar with another Cartoon Network addition called 'Steven Universe'. It is a show that follows a boy named Steven and the rest of the Guardian of the Universe members. He is the youngest of the crew which means he is sort of an underdog. The character you see before you now is one of the four main figures from the upcoming series. Steven Universe is supposed to air sometime this Fall, and it might be a big hit because the same storyboard designer who did Adventure Time is responsible for this character, story, and design creation of Steven Universe. Rebecca Sugar is the creator for all the Steven Universe characters, and I think she did an awesome job. I mean why wouldn't she, Sugar is after all an Emmy Award winner. Anyways, have fun drawing Amethyst, and I will be back in a bit with a couple more characters from the series. Peace out people.

#how to draw steven universe characters #how to draw steven universe

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