Using the guide you just made, begin sketching out the shape or structure of Alex's face. When that is done draw the hairline that almost frames her face.
Here you will draw in her high arched eyebrow, then draw in the slope of her nose and the nose tip.
Use the facial guidelines to draw in her piercing eyes. Color in the pupils and then add detailing around the eyes.
Finish the glasses by drawing the rest of the frame. When that is done draw her full lips, then you can add indent definition to her cheek.
Here you will draw in the rest of her hairstyle which is long, wavy and full of body. When that is done you can proceed to step seven.
Okay are you ready to finish the rest of this drawing? Start by drawing the neck, then draw in the shoulder, arm, and all the detailing for the sweater or clothing. Erase whatever mistakes you made followed by the guidelines.
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August 4, 2014
Description: How about another character from the hit series 'Orange is the New Black'? Since the show is getting more and more popular I wanted to make a lesson on "how to draw Alex Vause", step by step. She is a fiery black headed girl that is the on again, off again love interest of Piper Chapman. Anyways, I think you will have fun drawing Alex especially if you are a fan of the series. Adios amigos and enjoy.