How to Draw a Sexy Devil

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Let us begin by drawing the guidelines and shapes for the body. Make the head and torso guides, then add the legs, arm and tail guidelines.


Using the head shape you made in step one, begin drawing the hair which is full of layers with wavy peaks. Add the small devil horns too.


Next up, draw in the chest, the belly, and then the contouring shape of her arm. Don't forget to make double layered arm lines for added detailing.


We will finish the hair by drawing the length of her long locks. Once that is done you can draw the devil wing. This wing and sleek and sexy just like your sexy devil.


Give this devil an arch in her back, then draw in the butt and tail. Notice that there is a nicely drawing curl and pointed tuft as her tail tip.


Are you ready to finish this drawing? Good, what you will need to do for completion is draw in her long sexy legs and then for her feet draw in some heels to add to this sexy devil's sexiness. Whatever mistakes you made go ahead and erase them now al   


Once you have chosen a shade to color your sexy devil in with, you should have a finished sketch like you see here.

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February 28, 2015

Description: This is one of my favorite drawings that I have done in a while based on concept art. Today I will be showing you all how to draw a sexy devil, step by step. Now don't shy away from this tut because it is going to be an easy concept to tackle. The whole drawing is done in a silhouette form which is going to make it simple for everyone to try out and tackle. Drawing female figures can be tricky sometimes but when you only have to draw the outline of a girl's body, it makes it less difficult leading you to a successful piece of art. Drawing sexy girls in a devilish form is going to be exciting, fun and full of energy. I hope you enjoy this tut, it would actually make a good image for a nice tattoo concept.

#how to draw girls #how to draw devils

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