How to Draw a Scottie, Scottish Terrier

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Make the the shapes for the head, neck and body like so. Notice that the body looks like a bean.


Sketch out the long, rectangular snout of the Scottie like so. The ends of the snout need to be drawn with long coat hairs to make the dog look like he has a beard. Draw in the triangular nose, then proceed to step three.


Sketch out the dogs ears which are upright and pointy. Draw the eye, some brow fuzz, then add detailing to the face and nose.


You will now draw out the neck, then sketch out the thick scarf that the Scottish terrier is wearing.


Like I said, these dogs are very stout. You will draw the chest, followed by the very short stubby legs.


Finish drawing the dogs body like so, then add his small upright tail. Sketch in the paw or toe lines, then add detailing to his body. Erase the mistakes as well.


Here is how your Scottie comes out looking. Now you can just color in your drawing of a Scottish Terrier.

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February 6, 2013

Description: Remember that movie Lady and the Tramp? Well, there was a dog breed in that film that I thought was really cute and was the Scottish Terrier. This lesson will show you "how to draw a Scottie", or Scottish terrier step by step. This stubby looking dog is an awesome and incredibly cute breed. I love their long snouts and the small stubby bodies. They have an amazing sense of bravery as they are a stand up breed. Drawing a Scottie is going to be fun, and easy. I don't think I ever made a drawing tutorial on this dog breed before so this is a first for us both. Have fun people and please let me know what you think.

#how to draw dogs #how to draw terriers
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