How to Draw a Realistic Wolf, Draw Real Wolf

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Draw a circle for the base of the wolf's head and then add the facial guidelines. You will then draw out the back of the neck, and then the front of the neck until you have a thick full look to the wolves head. Lastly, draw the outlined shape of the    


Here you will start sketching out the actual shape of the wolf's snout, and then add an outlining for his nose, mouth line, and then sketch out the eyes, and color them in as you shown to you here.


Now you can start sketching out the shape and texture of the wolf's jaw, chin, cheeks, and right ear. Once that is done complete his nose, and then finish off drawing the eyes. Be sure to sketch the wolfs fur the way it's done here.


For your last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out the rest of the wolf's head, and then the left ear. Next fluff up the fur texture of the animals head, and neck and then add some whiskers, and whisker holes. Erase all the guidelines and sh   


Your pencil sketch of a realistic wolf should look like the one you see here when you're done. You can choose to color it in, or leave it as a sketch.

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January 21, 2010

Description: I think I have said all I could about wolves and the species. Drawing these forest animals is always fun, but the more I draw a repeated animal, dragon, person, or character, the more I run out of things to talk about. I just wanted to do a sketch on “how to draw a realistic wolf, step by step” that was easy, colorful, and fun. Sketching animals is almost always complicated because of the contours in their faces, bodies, and even their fur. I wanted this drawing to be very simple for everybody to tackle, and because of that, I drew the side view of a wolf's head. There are many different species of wolves that are in existence, so choosing the kind you want to sketch out can be a bit frustrating. My advice, choose a wolf that is less fluffy then others, and even a bit more thicker. The coloring that I did for the wolf came out looking pretty sweet too. I think it should be easy for you guys to use colored pencils, oil paint, and even a good set of quality markers to shade in your animal with. In the end you will get results that you should be pleased with. Try out this lesson, and you will see just how easy it is to learn “how to draw a realistic wolf, step by step”. Today is Saturday, so maybe you can stick around a bit longer to see what else I upload before the night is done. Peace out, and happy drawing!

#draw realistic animals #how to draw a wolf #draw wolves #how to draw wolves #how to draw realistic #draw realistic #how to draw real #draw a wolf #how to sketch #sketching in pencil

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