How to Draw a Panther Face, Black Panther Tattoo

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We will draw the circle for the head guide and then draw the guide for the jaw. Sketch in the facial guidelines as well.


Using the guides you just made, sketch out the actual head and face structure for your black panther. The lining should be a bit hairy and there should be two empty spots for the ears.


Up next, sketch in the lips for the panther's nose and mouth design. Notice that the lines are a little layered. Lastly for this step you will draw the small ears which look small because they are positioned back.


Here is where it gets really fun. First, you will draw in the intense looking eyes and color in some beady pupils. When that is done draw the panther's nose and add some shading to create nostrils. Sketch in the wrinkles on the snout and then draw in   


The only thing you will draw in here is the lining for the jaw. This will create the gum line as well.


Finally, draw in the panther's teeth as it is growling or roaring. Add detailing inside the mouth, then erase all those mistakes and guidelines/shapes.


Here is the line art for your panther and as you can see it's a simple concept. You will add the whiskers and chin whiskers and then add intense coloring and shading to really bring your black panther face to life.

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June 26, 2017

Description: Remember when I said I had some cool lessons coming your way today? Well, here is my first installment and it's on how to draw a panther face or a black panther tattoo, step by step. I wanted for so long to do a traditional panther face that can be used as a tattoo design and I think I may have did a good job here. The panther has a blue hue to it's color because it's so black fur shines. The intense yellow eyes stands out against highly defined face. I love how the whiskers and chin whiskers came out with the coloring process and I also love the panther eyes. Drawing tattoos is always fun for me because I can come up with my own unique designs that will catch peoples eye. Have fun with this tut on drawing a black panther face tattoo and I will be back in a bit with some other cool tuts.

#how to draw panthers
1 - Super Cool
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