How to Draw a Love Tattoo

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To start with, you have to draw two curved lines parallel to each other. Now separate the space for your four letters in equal partitions.


Now sketch out the basic letters, in any way you want. Keep them as simple as you can for this step. Becoz, in the next step we are going to give them some extra flavours.


So, as you have imagined, this step is a test for your creativity. I tried to make it as simple as I can. Graffiti dudes among you can do it much better than me. For all you artists don’t stick with the letters I have given, but try to make your ow   


Draw out a heart shape, touching the letters O and E. Also draw a curvy line across the heart, which is going to be our arrow penetrating the heart.


Now in this step we are going to work on the arrow. First we move to the bottom and draw two curved lines, then make a slightly curved pointed arrow. On the top, we've to make those feathers attached. Give them a little curvy touch, becoz we've to ma   


Now we move on to the toughest part of the tutorial. Remove the basic lines we've drawn in the very starting. Dnt laugh, i always find it very hard to remove those unwanted lines.


For the last step, we're going to draw some shadows to make it look more attractive. All done, now its upto you to either leave it as it is, or color it to make it feel lively. Hav a gud time wid your coloring techniques.

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April 16, 2009

Description: Hey there art lovers, here's my very 1st tutorial on love tattoo design. Each and every one us have ever fall or surely going to be fall in love sometime in our life. I've made it on the basic level. You can always add some more to the letters. N at last I’m waiting for your suggestions and comments on this one. If u didn’t like it, just say it, I’ll try to give my further best in my next one. So enjoy this tutorial. N one more thing, I have a thing to share; don’t try to complete your piece of art in just one sitting. Split it into 2-3 sittings. That way, you’re going to be more creative and obviously not get bored.


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