How to Draw a Grasshopper for Kids

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Draw the shape of the grasshopper's head, then draw in the banana'a body. You will add some facial guidelines, then proceed to step two.


Define the shape of the head, then move to step three.


Using the facial guidelines all you have to do is draw out the circles for the eyes, then the long thin antenna.


We will now get busy with draw the body, and two of the legs. As you can see the very back leg is the biggest, and the one that follows is smaller, much smaller.


For the last drawing step all you have to do is sketch out the actual shape of the body, then draw in the remainder of the legs. There are four legs left along with four feet. Add detailing and definition, then erase your mistakes.


Here it is, your finished drawing of a grasshopper for kids. Color it in, and great work.

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April 28, 2013

Description: I haven't really made any lessons based on things to fill the 'for kids' section. Now because my little sister has been drawing a lot, I thought I would make a couple tutorials on some animals from our world. Here is "how to draw a grasshopper for kids", step by step. I chose the grasshopper because that is what she has been trying to capture these past few days as she enjoys the warm weather. Grasshoppers are those insects you see hopping around spontaneously through the summer grass or high hay fields. Drawing a grasshopper for kids is a seasonally fun activity to tackle with some friends or relatives. I hope you enjoy this tut, I will be back with more lessons for you all so stay tuned in.

#how to draw grasshoppers
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