How To Draw A Chibi Dragon Girl


First, you're going to start with just a circle. I know! Easy right?


Next, you are going to start to draw in the bangs and the top of the hair.


Now, we draw in her horns and ears. We'll draw her braids.


Then, draw in the rest of the hair, her shoulders, and her necklace.


For the next part, we'll draw in her dress and knees. Notice that she's kneeling....(lol, duh)


Now we'll draw in her hands and tail. You still want to be able to see the fingers and palm of the hand that is holding the flame.


Now we'll draw in her wings, because after all, she is a dragon!


And last but not least, we'll draw her face. Notice I used a snout rather than a nose. The look I was going for was innocent and blank, but feel free to experiment with your own expressions! Erase any unnecessary overlaping lines. Give her a shadow,    

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December 22, 2009

Description: Hello artists! This is my first tutorial and I will teach you how to draw a chibi dragon girl. Yay!!! …… And all that fun stuff!

#how to draw chibi #draw chibi #how to a chibi #draw chibis #how to draw a chibi #how to draw chibis #draw chibi people #draw a chibi #drawing chibis #drawing a chibi #draw a chibi boy
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